Deux œuvres majestueuses de Ravel au programme en ce mardi
15 janvier 2013 à la Salle Pleyel :
le Concerto pour la main gauche ainsi que Daphnis et Chloe.
Le Concerto pour la main gauche est conçu pour être joué par
GAUCHE du pianiste.
Il est aujourd’hui une des œuvres les plus jouées et les
plus mondialement appréciées de Maurice Ravel.
Influencé par le jazz suite à son séjour à New-York, Ravel y
a introduit de nombreuses touches jazzies.
Quant à Daphnis et Chloe :
Cette symphonie chorégraphique
pour orchestre et chœurs, d’une durée d’une heure est l’œuvre la plus longue de
La salle Pleyel se prête excellemment à l’interprétation des
ces 2 œuvres dont l’orchestre symphonique au grand complet est requise.
Le concerto pour la main gauche fait ainsi admirablement le
pont entre la présente programmation majoritairement classique de la salle Pleyel
et sa future vie Jazz !
Two wonderful works of Ravel were played yesterday at the Salle Pleyel:
Concerto for the left hand and Daphnis and Chloe.
The Concerto for the left hand is designed to be played by the pianist LEFT HAND ONLY.
It is now one of the most performed works composed by Maurice Ravel.
Influenced by jazz after his trip t New York, Ravel has introduced many Jazz colors in it.
As for Daphnis and Chloe:
This choreographic symphony orchestra and choir, one hour-long work is Ravel's longest piece.
Salle Pleyel lends itself excellently to the interpretation of these two works whose symphony orchestra in full force is required.
Concerto for the left hand is doing beautifully the link between today's mostly classic programmation and her future Jazz life!
Two wonderful works of Ravel were played yesterday at the Salle Pleyel:
Concerto for the left hand and Daphnis and Chloe.
The Concerto for the left hand is designed to be played by the pianist LEFT HAND ONLY.
It is now one of the most performed works composed by Maurice Ravel.
Influenced by jazz after his trip t New York, Ravel has introduced many Jazz colors in it.
As for Daphnis and Chloe:
This choreographic symphony orchestra and choir, one hour-long work is Ravel's longest piece.
Salle Pleyel lends itself excellently to the interpretation of these two works whose symphony orchestra in full force is required.
Concerto for the left hand is doing beautifully the link between today's mostly classic programmation and her future Jazz life!
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